
截至目前为止,我在天涯的账户无辜不能使用,我在Yahoo的私人邮件被无辜删除,我在Yahoo美国论坛不能正常发言,我在美国华人论坛的账户与帖子存活不到一天被删除,理由匪夷所思,我在英国与日本的华人论坛不能正常注册。请问这是民主国家所作所为吗?这与独裁国家有什麽区别? 目前我的博文只有英文和日文,但我会尽快加入中文博文以便大家了解事件的动态。希望大家给予支持!希望大家多与我互动,为我提供宝贵意见!


事件始于网络,我虽然身居海外多年,但是非常喜欢中华的古代史与文学,所以经常在百度与天涯发表文章以及与志趣相投的人互动,没有想到此举引起了心术不正人士的注意。 直到两年前,无意间在网络上看到了春晚的转播,小虎队的表演勾起了许多童年的记忆,于是鬼使神差般的来到了百度相关贴吧,并在热心网友的提议下申请了QQ,  万没想到此举竟然为自己带来灭顶之灾!我在网上的言辞引起了心怀不轨的流氓与无赖的注意,而他们又是有实权可以盗取别人账户隐私的人群,他们发现我就是曾经被关注的人士,于是对我的生活进行恶性骚扰与侵害, 甚至从内部炒作到全世界,也许大家觉得不可思议,但是世界上就是有一群无聊又心术不正的人士,喜欢兴风作浪,为了私欲与利益勾肩搭背,其中的细节我会一一道来。

台湾的煽情是大家有目共睹的,其背后是赤裸裸的利益和商业价值!在骚扰我的人群中,最早始于台湾人,为了自己可以在他所在圈子里的人气与知名度,进行肆无忌惮的恶性内部炒作,其目的在于引起名利场相关人士的关注与重视!恶性炒作路线从台湾-大陆-日本-美国-英国,台湾是他们的大本营,大陆是他们积累资本的聚集地,日本是他们的盟邦(很多台湾名利场里的人都同日本政商甚至黑道有着密不可分的关系)。。。。。。只可惜我在四年前就已经和家人把生活中心从欧洲慢慢转移到了日本,我总是在想如果今天的我身处欧洲或美国的话,也许不会发生这样的不幸了。。。。。。日本和台湾渊源甚深,社会形态以及传媒文化也非常相似,很复杂,很煽情,很猥琐,背后都是利益与商业价值在驱使,好怀念在欧洲时简单又单纯的人文气息。。。。。。 至于美国会加入,也是一次意外,让我感到惊讶,主要是好莱坞文化的影响,台湾的娱乐传媒和其所涉及艺人的经理人,进行了一次成功的内部炒作,目的在于开拓美国市场,只可惜事与愿违,他们的这次成功恶性内部炒作反而引起英国顶级花花公子的浓厚兴趣与关注!之所以是英国因为那里是我(我的隐私就这样被肆无忌惮的在内部恶性传播与炒作)在欧洲的大本营! 由于这名花花公子的加入事件变得更加复杂,这起娱乐事件延伸成了政治与更宽泛的商业利益事件,所涉及到的人的级别也越来越高,事情的发展也越来越复杂。。。。。。

那位顶级花花公子是个无所事事的流氓,平日喜欢拈花惹草,他仰仗自己贵族的背景,加上一些心术不正,又想要一心改变权利分配格局的野心人士的支持,就开始了这场阴谋与丑闻! 他自去年六月至今,一直以各种各样的卑鄙手段,接近我的私生活,跟踪,监听,监视。。。。。。他利用特权监视我与家人的一举一动,他私自动用我与家人的账户,他利用手机,电脑,有线电视,保安系统等高科技,对我与家人进行24小时监听,监视。。。。。。并利用非法收集到的信息,对我与家人进行骚扰与迫害。。。。。。逼迫我离婚或与其私通。手段之龌鹾,下流到令人发指。 他通过手机的间谍软件,可以遥控我手机摄像头,在我与家人毫无察觉的情况下,对我与家人进行远程监视,直到他用猥琐以及下流的言语和画面来描述我与家人日常家居活动时,才被我们知晓,但是我们起初并不知道问题出在哪里,在此期间我们做了大量的搜索与调查,终日生活在惶惶不安中,直到发现了问题的源头,这一路走来的辛酸与痛苦若非亲身经历,是永远无法了解与体会的。 他通过有线电视网对我及家人进行监视,监视我们的家居生活,他通过我们住家的保安系统对我和家人进行24小时监听,他声称是我的房客与情人,因为他可以依靠特权肆无忌惮的侵入我的私生活,又可以通过特权,一手遮天!他通过手机与电脑寄发给我大量下流,猥琐,恶意的短信,图片,文字,暗示想要与我通奸,并强迫我离婚!

我与家人身处民主国家,却遭到如此非人的迫害,民主在哪里?法制在哪里? 那些帮助他掩盖罪行的官员以及媒体,你们的良知在何在?请问大家,这起恶性事件,这样不堪的丑闻与爱情,与童话,有关系吗?为什麽参与的人们执迷不悟?强迫别人离婚,私通。并以卑鄙手段压迫与侵害,这与流氓,恶霸,,地痞,无赖,强奸犯有何不同?请问我与家人的人权在哪里?法制在哪里?民主在哪里?

目前我和家人正在积极着手与诉讼两个与此事件有关联的官司!希望大家多多关注!多多声援!让世界上更多人民了解伪民主的本质!我与家人也希望通过更多人的关注与声援,可以让司法更平等,更公正的进行! 谢谢大家!我会在这里把我的动态以及案件的发展不断的更新并报告给大家!












Chicago Man Saves Daughter from Abduction Attemptの記事に私がコメントを投稿した直後に、コメントが自動的に削除されました。


歴史は繰り返されています!大衆の声は意見は、強力な犯罪者から無力な被害者を守り、手を触れさせない様にできるのです! 詳細にご興味がある方はどうかツイッターでinvisibletear8を検索してください。或いは、メッセージをお送りいただければ、詳細をお伝えいたします。 コメントは日本時間の8月31日5:26PMに投稿されました。コメント投稿の証拠として画面キャプチャを保存してあります。私のコメントは、削除される前は3896番目のコメントであり、私のすぐ後にコメントを投稿したユーザのコメントは私のコメントが削除されていた為、依然として3896番目のコメントでした。

Figure 1: 私の投稿したコメント (3896番目のコメント、一つ前のコメントはK.Vivaraというユーザのものです。 コメントは新しいものから表示しています。)

Figure 2: Edmundというユーザの投稿したコメント (コメント番号は依然として3896番目、一つ前のコメントはA(私のもののはずです。) コメントは新しいものから表示しています。

Figure 3: Edmundというユーザの投稿したコメント (この画像から一つ前のコメントはA(私のものでは無く、私の一つ前のコメントを投稿したK.Vivaraというユーザのものになっています。) コメントは新しいものから表示しています。

Figure 4: 私のコメントがEdmundというユーザの投稿したコメント とK.Vivaraというユーザのコメントの間に表示されるべきですが、削除されています。



問1.         Yahoo!が私の投稿したコメントを削除したのですか?

問2.         もし問1の回答が「はい」であるならば、削除した理由の詳細説明をしてください。

問3.         もし問1の回答が「いいえ」であるならば、外部の第三者が私の投稿したコメントを意図的に勝手に削除したと考えられます。従って、Yahoo!に対して違反行為者の特定調査を実施していただき、違反行為者の詳細情報(IPアドレス、ユーザ名、電子メール等)の開示をお願いいたします。その情報を元に違反行為者に対して法的措置をとらせていただきます。






 Yahooの説明は、論理的ではありませんでした。私のコメントは投稿後、数秒以内に削除されており、一体何人の読者が私のコメントを読んで、投票することができたというのでしょうか?更に「自動的に隠され、他のコメントの為にスペースを作る」とは、具体的にどういう意味でしょうか?私のコメントは「My Comments」のタブ配下にもありませんでした。その上、Yahooの「Terms and Service」の規約も熟読しましたが(参考の為、下にリンクを張ってあります)、私のコメントが規約違反をしているとは思えません。従って、私のコメントを削除した本当の理由を教えてもらえますか?Yahoo運営さん、真実を教えてもらえますか?


こんにちは、Yahoo! カストマケアにお問い合わせいただきありがとうございました。


Yahoo! Newsは記事に対するコメントを逐次確認し、全てのコメントがYahoo!のTerms of Service (TOS)に準拠しているかをレビューします。Yahoo!のTOSは以下のリンクでご確認いただけます。


改めて、Yahoo! カストマケアにお問い合わせいただきありがとうございました。



Yahoo! カストマケア



Yahoo, can you tell me the truth?

Freedom of speech, liberal views, and freedom of living where the nation I live, however, something is changed and some values is shifted. You never expect that’s happened on you, happened in this nation. Can we just try to be honest once and service people once time… Let the law leading this nation, that’s all I want, that’s my entire wish!

Yahoo keeps deleting my post comments and personal emails without my permission. My human right is totally abused. The complaint letter as below;

Original Message Follows:




1. What are you writing about?


Subject: Privacy Violations

2. Enter additional information here:


Dear Customer Support,

I have experienced the problem using yahoo service (posting comments)which can post comments on particular topics by login to Yahoo! account.

What I noticed was comments I have posted shown below was deleted almost immediately after I have posted the comment on Chicago Man Saves Daughter from Abduction Attempt.

Deleted Posted comment is shown below;

History has repeated! Public Voices can make powerful criminal hand off hopeless victim! We need your voices! We need your support!

Please visit invisibletear8 in twitter, you will find out!

Or you can send me a message for details¦

Comment was posted on August 31, 2012 5:26PM Japan Time. I have taken screenshot evidence of my comment post. My comment was 3,896th comment before deletion and another user’s comment immediately followed my comment was still 3,896th comment because my comment was deleted.

Figure 1: My Posted Comment (3896th, previous comment by K.Vivara & sort comment by newest)

Figure 2: Edmund Posted Comment (still 3896th, previous comment should be A (me) & sort comment by newest)

Figure 3: Edmund Posted Comment (further evidence showed previous comment by K.Vivara instead of A (me) & sort comment by newest)

Figure 4: My Comment should have shown between K.Vivara & Edmund but it is deleted)

I have tried to post the exact same deleted comment to check if my first attempt to post somehow failed but 2nd time also resulted in posted comment deletion. Therefore, I believe this deletion has been done deliberately by someone.

Therefore, I would like to know the following.

Q1. Did Yahoo! Delete my posted comments?

Q2. If Q1 answer is YES, please explain to me in details the exact

reason of this action.

Q3. If Q1 answer is NO, I believe that there are unauthorized personnel has deliberately deleted my posted comments. Therefore, I would like to request Yahoo! to investigate about the abuser and provide me the full report (abuser’s information, IP addresses, username, and email address) in order for me to take a legal action against the abuser.

Please take my inquiry seriously and respond to me by September 7th. If I don’t receive any response from Yahoo! by September 7th, I assume that Yahoo! has deliberately deleted my posted comment without any valid reasons or explanation.

This will indicate that Yahoo! manipulate & control which user’s

comments can be visible to public and which are not, which violates

freedom of speech.

I’m looking forward to hearing back from you.

Kind Regards,


Their explanation is not making any sense. My post comments were deleted immediately which less then seconds, I wonder how many readers got a chance to see my post comments and make a vote. Again, what’s the meaning of automatically hidden in order to make more room for other comments. I didn’t see my post comments hidden anywhere even in my comments storage. While, I also checked Yahoo Terms and Service which attached the link they gave. I didn’t think my post comments were against or violating any clauses. So, what is the real reason after all, yahoo, can you tell me the truth?

This is replies from Yahoo customer support as follow;


Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Customer Care.

If you’re not seeing a comment you or someone else posted, it could be because enough readers on the site have voted Thumbs Down on the
comment. If enough readers vote Thumbs Down on a comment, it is
automatically hidden in order to make more room for other comments.

Please note that Yahoo! News reviews article comments from time to time to ensure that all comments comply with our Yahoo! Terms of Service (TOS). You can review the Yahoo! TOS at this location:


Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.



Yahoo! Customer Care



Yahoo US – Comments 29082012A

Yahoo US – Comments 29082012B

Yahoo US – Comments 29082012C

Yahoo US – Comments 29082012D

Yahoo US – Comments 29082012E

Yahoo US – Comments 29082012F



私は何が起こっているのかわかりませんでした。インターネットを使うのをしばらくやめ、固定電話やインターネットサービスも解約しました。その代わりスマートフォン(Galaxy Tab)を使い始めました。しかし、気味の悪い状況は終わることはありませんでした。過去何ヶ月間の間に、誰かが私の気を引いたり、私と極秘に交際したいと思わせる様な内容のものをたくさん受け取りました。残念ながら、サイバー攻撃やサイバーストーカー行為を止めさせることはできませんでした。誰かが私の個人情報・現状の生活をハッキングしていると考えています。この問題は私の家族の平和な日常生活を妨害し破壊しているのです。


 例えば、検索キーワードに「with ur fucking prince owner or us captain」と入力したら、検索結果はキーワードのページランクに関係しているものか、キーワードに該当する結果が見つからなかった場合は、「該当する検索結果はありません」と表示されるはずです。しかし、検索結果には、ユーザが検索したキーワードと全く関係の無い内容のものが表示されました。 (2参照

図2 0002.jpg



 問い1: 私がハッカーから受け取った内容からすると、「誰が王子でありキャプテンなのでしょうか?」あの赤髪の空軍のキャプテンなのでしょうか? なぜ彼がハッカーになりたいと思ったのでしょうか? なぜ彼は私と会話をしたり、ストーカー行為をしようと思ったのでしょうか?結局、何が起こっているのかを調査することにしました。

 問い2: 「Captain EOとはいったいどういう意味なのでしょうか?」調査の結果、「Captain EO」とはギリシャ語ギリシャの暁の神を意味することがわかりました。あの赤髪のハッカーの家系はギリシャからきているのでしょうか?「Captain EO」に関連するニュースも見つけました。映画「トワイライト」に出演した俳優が赤髪のキャプテンの役を、彼の王族経験の数々に関する映画で将来演じることになったそうです。赤髪のキャプテンが私のプライベートな生活から離れないゴーストなのでしょうか?…明日はまた別の日です。それが私の願いです。夜明けと共に、このゴーストが消えてなくなっていることを願っています。


 検索キーワードは、「who is ur wife are u still living in your fucking fairy – tale」、表示された検索結果は、性的内容を思わせるものでした。それらの内容は、以下の様なものでした。

「you can use sweet text message expressing your to flirt about your love and admiration for someone while expressing your true feelings….」

“ I swear I can’nt live without her nd same is the case with her…. Now it’s ur turn… Call me Cheater, Stupid,… Legally if a complaint is filed by your wife you can be tried under sec… Still remember what you said to yr wife on yr wedding day?…」

これらの検索結果は、ユーザが検索したキーワードと無関係でした。この様な結果が私のスマートフォン(Galaxy tab)で表示された理由は、グーグル社が私のスマートフォンをハッキングした為で、これは私と赤髪のキャプテンがかわした会話の一部でした。(3参照

図3 0003.jpg

更なる証拠が文章が私と赤髪のキャプテンとの間でかわされた会話の一部であることを証明できるでしょう。去年、グーグル社が私のスマートフォンをハッキングしてから、赤髪のキャプテンと私はグーグルの検索サービスを使って数回チャットをしていました。つまり、私が言いたいことを検索キーワード文章として入力して、検索結果に彼の回答が表示されるという方法でした。これが私達が互いにコミュニケーションをとる時に使用した方法でした。例えば、私が彼に「your girlfriend is pear tree?」と問いかけると、彼の回答が検索結果の文章や画像として表示されました。.(4参照)  彼は、この方法で私とコミュニケーションをとり、返答してきました。

図4 0007.jpg

私のプライベートな生活が彼のストーカー行為によって妨げられていることを知った後で、私のスマートフォンをハッキングしたり付きまとうのは止めるように言いました。私は彼に「who is ur wife are u still living in your fucking fairy – tale」言いました。それに対する彼の回答の内容が3になります。本当に赤髪のキャプテンがこれらの会話に関与しているのでしょうか?彼はこの会話に影響を受けているのでしょうか?回答は「YES」あるいは「NO」でしょう。最新の噂によると、彼は彼の人生が皆が想像しているおとぎ話の様な人生からは程遠いとふさぎ込んでいるそうです。彼は彼の正式な恋人という役割をこなす気構えがある人を見つけることができません。


 また別の雨の日、執拗な付きまといのメッセージ。これが王族の毎日の任務なのでしょうか?検索キーワードは「enjoy your secret love with pippa」でしたが、検索結果はユーザが検索したキーワードとは無関係な内容が表示されました。グーグル社の検索エンジンは私のキーワードを横線で消し、「your love like secret」というキーワードに変更しました。 (9参照)  実は、これは私と赤髪のキャプテンの会話の一部だったのです。

 私は彼には興味が無いし私のプライベートな生活にかかわりを持って欲しくないといいました。私は彼のライフスタイルが好きではありません。彼に会いたいとも思わないし何らかの関係があるのも嫌です。私は彼に「thanks for ur offer. I think ur pear tree or model babies more needed than me. Just keep for them.」と言いました。彼の文章と画像による返答は7の赤枠内を参照してください。私は彼の性的攻撃を思わせるメッセージにストレスを感じていました。そこで、私は「ur best friend pregnant is ur baby fucking animal.」と彼に言いましたが、彼は執拗なまでに性的・侵害的な内容の文章や画像を返答し続けました。(8参照

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いつになったら、赤髪のキャプテンは私に付きまとうことを止めるのでしょうか?早く平穏な生活を取り戻したいです。私は彼に他の誰かと交際するように言いました。私が「enjoy your secret love with pippa」といった理由はその為です。彼の返信は「love like secret」でした。(9参照

図9 2011-09-17_23.22.09.jpg





 私のスマートフォン(Galaxy Tab)は2011年以来、多数の性的メッセージを受け取り続けてきました。具体的には、「No One Likes To Be Reject (Proven Dating Secrets For Men)」や「Overcome Shyness!!!’ (Loneliness Isn’t An Excuse Anymore!)」などのメッセージでした。これらの性的・攻撃的メッセージはグーグル社が提供するアンドロイドOSを搭載したGalaxy Tab上で発生していました。 (5-6参照

図6 2011-09-29 22.54.17.jpg

私のスマートフォンは、連続的に侵害的・脅迫的・性的攻撃を思わせる内容の文章や画像を表示することに決して終わりはありませんでした。検索キーワードは「don’t worry I won’t leave japan until I claimed allmy bills」でしたが、検索結果にはキーワードと全く無関係の内容のものが表示されました。それらの結果は通常の検索結果と違い、侵害的・脅迫的・性的攻撃を思わせる内容の文章や画像でした。(21参照)  

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図12 Telegraph 08082012.JPG

更なる証拠は私達のプライベートな生活がハッキングされ、凶悪な目に見えない人物によって、私達は見たくもない多くのセクハラ・性的内容のコンテンツを見せられ、精神的苦痛を永続的に被りました。 (13-25参照

図13 Telegraph 17082012.JPG

図14 Evening standard 28052012.JPG

図15 Dailymail 29052012.JPG

図16 Mirror 01072012.JPG

図17 CLD 04082012.JPG

図18 Evening standard 18062012.JPG

図19 Independent 27052012.JPG

図20 Independent 19062012.JPG

図21 CLD 03072012.JPG

図22 CLD 04072012.JPG

図23 Telegraph 19062012.JPG

図24 Telegraph 04062012.JPG


図25 Telegraph 05062012.JPG

ケース 4

 これは私と赤髪のキャプテンの最新の会話です。彼は私のパソコンにハッキングしました。会話の手口は去年から続いていた私のスマートフォン(Galaxy Tab)と同様にチャット形式で行われました。私は彼に「are you still live in your fairytale life, redhead prince?」と問いかけ、彼の回答が検索結果として表示されました。(図26-27参照。)

図26 Google Web 13082012 .JPG

図27 Google Web 13082012.JPG



 プライバシー アラート– CIAはあなたのテレビを経由してあなたを監視しようとしている

 2012年6月11日ジリアンさんが掲載(2012年3月25日のNatural Newsより)



 CIA長官David Petraeus氏は、イラクやアフガニスタンの戦争の前指揮官、新しいアプリや「常時つながっている」デバイスの増加はそれらのアプリやデバイスが本質的に個々の家庭を監視することになるでしょう。CIAは捜査員やその他の人物が監視したい場所の外からインターネットや電波を使って外部から、それらのデバイスや装置を経由して「聴き取る」ことができるでしょうと述べています。

 現今では、全ての物(家庭のホームセキュリティシステム、ラジオ時計、リモートコントローラー、キッチンの照明など)はアプリによって制御できます。Wireマガジンのオンライン上の「Danger Zone」というブログによると、個々によって良くも悪くも解釈できます。コンピュータチップメーカーのARMは最近低電力で安価なチップを発表しました。このチップは冷蔵庫、インターホン、オーブンなど事実上全ての物に利用可能、使用されるでしょう。









 予想された通り、この様なテクノロジは既にプライバシー問題に敏感な弁護士達に警告を発している。Electronic Freedom Foundation(EFF)などのプライバシー団体は、CIAや他の政府団体を相手にソーシャルメディアネットワークを使用して人々を監視しようとしているという申し立ての訴訟を起こしている。

 Shane Witnov氏は、EFF代理人として2009年のサミュエルソン法律、テクノロジ、パブリックポリシークリニックというケース(カリフォルニア大学、バークレーロースクール所属)を担当した、「ソーシャルネットワーキングサイトは、我々の日常のコミュニケーションの一部となっています。利用者は彼らは「サイト上で」友達と情報共有していると思っています。政府もサイトを利用しています、ただし入会動機は国民が想定している利用方法ではなく。」と語っている。




AFPMichael MathesEmmanuel Parisse 2012年6月17日掲載




我々が知っているウォーターゲート事件の大部分は、ワシントンポストのBob Woodward氏とCarl Bernstein氏の探偵レポートを通して初めて明るみにでた。彼らのやり方は後の調査レポートの教科書となった。


歴史家であり作家で教授を引退したStanley Kutler氏は「これはジャーナリズムの話ではなく、全てはRichard Nixonに関した話である。」はAFPに語った。






 ジョージ ワシントン大学で立法に関する問題の修士プログラムを指導しているSteve Billet氏は「アメリカは常に政府を信用しない健全な傾向にありました。これは国の構造の一部です。しかしウォーターゲート事件が公になると政府は敵になりました。これは政府は我々の自由を危険にさらすという予言が実現した瞬間でした。」と語っています。




 その中の一人がウォーターゲート事件発生時のNixonの相談役であり、結果として調査に協力したJohn Deanでした。




Ronald Reagan元大統領のイラン-コントラ問題への濫用、

Bill Clinton元大統領のMonica Lewinskyとの関係に関する虚偽、

George W. Bush元大統領の「偽の情報」を基にしたイラク戦争への同意、

Barack Obama大統領の継続したテロ危険人物と判断されたアメリカ国民の拘禁。


 二月に出版された「ウォーターゲート事件」の著者であるThomas Mallon氏は「新たなウォーターゲート事件が発生しうることは容易に想像できます。情報が最も価値があるとされている政治において、次なる大きなスキャンダルは、ハッキングの様なことが関係するのは間違いないでしょう。人々はより慎重になることを学びましたが、アメリカの歴史のどこかでは、ウォーターゲート事件をしのぐスキャンダルが起こるでしょう。」と語った。








  1. Harry王子は昇進し、今は英国軍のキャプテン

 Harry王子は昇進し、今は英国軍のキャプテンの階級にあたります。セイントジェームズパレスはHarry王子が英国軍での5年の軍務を経て、キャプテンの階級に昇進したことを発表しました。By Christine Fenno  Posted Apr 17th 2011 08:13AM. 更なる詳細…


  1. Harry王子: なぜ私がまだ独身なのか?


 「永久的に固定された仕事(王家であるという)-私をごらんなさい。27歳です。の役割を果たす為に誰かを探しているわけではありません。しかし現実として、王族という役割を快く果たす気構えのある誰かを探しています。」とHarry王子はCBSに答えました。Celebrity News By Beth Anne Macaluso March 14, 2012 AT 5:16PM.  更なる詳細…


  1. Harry王子: 私は父親になりたい、私はただ最良の配偶者を待っているのです。

 新しい事実が発覚したインタビューの中で、Harry王子は子供が欲しい、最良の配偶者を見つける必要があると認めています。これからも王家の一員として継続したいかとの質問に対してHarry王子は、「幼少の頃から、子供が欲しいと切望していました。そして、最良の配偶者、王家であるという仕事をこなす意気込みがある誰か、が見つかるのを待っています。」と返答しました。.”… – By Emily Fox for express.co.uk Wednesday May 30, 2012.            更なる詳細…


  1. Harry王子は初めて子供が欲しいと認めた。


しかし、若い王子が―最愛の人を見つけるのは難しいと最近認めた―自分の子供が欲しいという思いを認めたのは今回が初めてである。Harry王子は彼が王族の任務をこなす時にそばにいてくれる伴侶が欲しいと示唆した。By Duncan Lacombe Royal Editor for The Sun 31st May 2012. 更なる詳細…


  1. Harry王子が下着モデルの恋人とたった2ヶ月で破局。 

Harry王子は一番新しい恋人、下着モデルのFlorence Brudenell-Bruceさん、との短い期間の恋愛は破局しています。二人が交際を始めてたった2ヶ月で破局しました。情報源によると、破局の理由は王子がまだ「落ち着き」たく無いからだと言われています。By Richard Hartley-parkinson Updated: 16 August 201, at16:48 GMT. 更なる詳細… 


  1. Harry王子とPippa Middletonさんが恋人になる寸前? 

Harry王子とPippa Middletonさんが恋人になる寸前だと言われています。Grazia UK(Daily Mailを通して)はHarry王子とMiddletonさんは四月に行われた王族の結婚式以降数回会っており、互いをニックネームで呼び合う仲だとと報告しています。

 MiddletonさんはHarry王子のことを「Captain」(英国軍隊においての王子の階級)、Harry王子はMiddletonさんを「Commando」(Middletonさんが王族の結婚式で下着を着けていなかったといううわさから)と呼んでいると言われています。By Christo Varghese  Posted Jun 22nd 2011 05:00AM. 更なる詳細… 


  1. 学校教師がHarry王子 が不正をしたと主張 

Harry王子の前教師が女性が試験で王子の不正行為を手伝うよう命令された後、エトン大学から去年不当解雇されたと主張している。女性は極秘に録音したテープの内容が女性の申し立てが真実であることを証明していると言っている。関係メディア及びReutersによると、Harryの父親であるCharles皇太子のスポークスマンはテープの信頼性に関して疑議を唱え、批判していると言われている。By Stephen M. Silverman Friday October 15, 2004 09:00 AM EDT. 更なる詳細…


  1. 記念日祝典

 王族のメンバー、英国連邦を代表して知事や首相達が、6月4日、5日の数々のイベントに出席した。レセプションは記念祭のコンサートの前にバッキンガム宮殿で行われ、感謝祭は翌日にSt Paul大聖堂で行われた。英国連邦中の数千の灯台の光が6月4日に点灯された。灯台の数は当初2012とされていたが、登録日の最終日には英国だけでもおよそ4000にのぼっていた。 更なる詳細…


  1. Kate MiddletonさんがHarry王子の妻を捜す為に王族達を集める。 

Kate Middletonさんは近々get knocked upする必要がある。なぜならば、彼女は時間を持て余しすぎており、William 王子と彼女と同様にHarry王子を英国女性と身を固めさせようと奮闘しているからです。更に困ったことに、彼女は義理のいとこであるZara PhillipsさんやBeatrice王女にも積極的に手助けをさせているそうです。BY Jeanne Adams on August 16, 2012.  更なる詳細…


  1. Harry王子 – フェイスブックのファン!

 英国のDaily Star新聞の情報源によると「Harryはつまらないゲームに夢中です。彼は食事やトイレ休憩無しに何時間も友人達とバーチャルフードファイトをしています。ゲームの中で、彼は友人達に噛み付き、彼らの壁に落書きをします。彼は友人達に向かってバーチャルファームヤードの多彩な動物達を投げつけます。」BY Annemarie Fraser on July 4, 2007.  更なる詳細… 


  1. 女王がオリンピックの開会セレモニーの為にボンド映画の仕掛けに参加 

女王が昨晩ボンドガールになった。—女優デビューを果たした女王とは対照的に007のDaniel Craigは2012年のロンドン開会セレモニーでのこの仕掛けにびっくりしていた。

昨日の最高の策略は今までで最も大胆不敵で革新的な仕掛けのひとつであると認められた。非現実的なSlumdog Millionaire ディレクターのBoyle氏は、— セレモニーのクリエーター — 一体どうやって彼のずうずうしいボンドスタントが記念年に王族の承諾を得られたのかと質問されていた。By NICK PARKER in the Olympic Stadium   Published: 28th July 2012. 更なる詳細… 


  1. グーグル社の英国代表がTelegraph 理事会から辞職

 グーグル社の英国代表のDan Cobley氏は、突然1月から加わっていたTelegraph Media Groupの理事会に正式に辞表を提出して辞職した。

  Cobley氏のTelegraph non-executive directorになるという決断は、新聞業界のインターネット巨大企業との不安な関係を考慮すると驚きであった。

 グーグル社は、複数の英国新聞によってここ数ヶ月の間にプライバシー、著作権、税金回避などの問題に関して批判されていた。したがって、Cobley氏はTelegraphでの任からはずれることが賢明であると判断したとされている。on 25 July 2012. 更なる詳細…





  2012年2月25日土曜日Tapestry より掲載



WilliamDianaの実父でありフランス系Rothschild家のSir James Goldsmithの私生孫である。Victoria女王はNathan Mayer Rothschildの娘であった。この事実は現在の女王とPhilip皇太子が共にVictoria女王の子孫、私生のRothschild家、であることを意味している。

HarryDianaと彼の容姿が非常に似ているJames Hewittの間の息子である。その結果、彼はWilliamより王族/Rothschild家との関係に対する忠誠心が低いことになる。

統一世界政府の権力に立ち向かった実父James Goldsmithと同様にDianaも自身の命を失うという犠牲を払った。

Sir Jamesはユーロを阻止するために、国民党を立ち上げ、ユーロ阻止に成功したがそのかわりに統一世界政府の多数の政治家達同様に癌を患った。

DianaはQueen Of Heartsになる為に、統一世界政府がキリスト教とイスラム教との間に設けた重要な境界線と規制を否定し、軍事産業コンプレックスの権力に異議を唱え、ブッシュ政権が狂気的な誇大妄想を抱き、秘密社会が不名誉なテロとの戦争を始めようとしていた時、平和を訴え続けるという彼女の活動に着手した。







イタリアのケースは逮捕された人物の中の一人が前首相Silvio Berlusconniであった為、特に如実である。今週にはホワイトドラゴン団体代表者とアジア本土のドラゴンファミリー代表者との間で、エリート階級で構成された経済計画機関をつくることについて話し合う為の会合も予定されている。


TAP – それらは全てよく聞こえるが、一体いつ実行されるのでしょうか?世界規模の中央銀行の辞任の速度から判断すると、それらは全て想定しているよりもっと早く実行されるでしょう。もしthe Saxe Coburg GothasIlluminatiの血統であることが暴露された場合、言い訳するにはあまりに多くの犯罪とつながっている為、Charlesの王冠は人々が想定していたWilliamへは継承されず、Harryに継承されるでしょう。


1.      中国首相が英国との貿易強化を約束  

中国の温家宝首相は、英国・中国間の貿易を増加させる措置をすることを公約した。最大10億ポンドにのぼるビジネス商談が今回の3日間の英国訪問で発表されると期待されている。文化大臣Jeremy Huntは、中国は多大な機会を提供してくれ、更に中国と十分な話し合いをすることは重要であると付け加えた。長年のシェークスピア好きな温家宝首相と共にストラットフォード アポン アボンを視察したHunt氏は、「我々は中国と広範囲にわたる(政治、経済、社会を含む対話)関係を持ちたいと考えています。」と語った。2011年6月26日  更なる詳細…


2.      DAVID Cameronは、中国の温家宝首相と最大10億ポンドにのぼるビジネス商談に関して話し合う予定 

ストラットフォード アポン アボンで彼は文化大臣Jeremy HuntHunt氏の中国人の妻Lucia、息子のJackと会った。DAVID Cameronは、中国の温家宝首相と最大10億ポンドにのぼるビジネス商談に関して話し合う予定です。両国のリーダーは、本日のダウニング街でのサミットにて両国間のビジネスのリンクを強化することを期待しています。Published: 27th June 2011. 更なる詳細… 


3.      中国の温家宝首相はユーロ圏の負債問題の解決の手助けをすることを約束 

北京でEUのリーダー達と会合した後で、中国はユーロ圏の負債問題の解決の手助けをすることを約束した。温家宝首相は負債をかかえるEU各国を安定させる為、協力を申し出たが欧州の救済措置基金に投資するかについては具体的な約束はしなかった。EUのリーダー達は計画された基金に5000億ユーロ(6650億ドル、4200億ポンド)のてこいれをする為に、中国の資金援助に期待していた。温家宝首相は中国はユーロ圏の安定化をはかるために「介入を強める」つもりであると語った。14 February 2012 Last updated at 11:40 GMT. 更なる詳細… 


4.     中国:ユーロ圏へのサポートを強化する為に、数億ポンドを消費する 

ユーロを支持する為に数億ポンドを消費することに賛成した上で中国はユーロ圏へのサポートを強化すると断言した。中国の温家宝首相は国債(ひどい打撃を受けているユーロ諸国の負債)を購入し続けるつもりであると語った。明日の重大な緊縮経済削減に関する中枢投票に先立ってギリシャの後押しをする為に、温家宝首相は、ヨーロッパは中国の「絶え間の無い」サポートに期待してよいと発言した。By Simon Duke Updated: 06:58 GMT, 27 June 2011.   更なる詳細… 


5.     ‘口約束だけで行動が伴わない’: David Cameronの巨大社会計画は昨年7,000のチャリティが強制的に閉鎖された後で失敗した。 

David Cameronの巨大社会計画は、昨年7000以上のチャリティが強制的に閉鎖させられたことがわかって本日「たわごと」と呼ばれていた。首相のスローガンは、通常は議会や中央政府が行っているサービスを人々に率先して行わせることを目的としている。By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 08:02 GMT, 17 August 2012.  更なる詳細… 


  1. Obama David Cameronの親密な関係 

ワシントンは今週David Cameronの為にレッドカーペットを準備した。Obama大統領は英国首相を19発の祝砲で出迎え、ホワイトハウス晩餐会、ローズガーデンにて共同プレスカンファレンスを行い、NCAA March madnessバスケットボールの試合を観戦する為、Air Force Oneでオハイオ州まで移動した。(CameronObamaがルールを説明している際非常に困惑しているように見えた。)先週のイスラエルBenjamin Netanyahu首相を出迎えた時の緊張感とは異なり、今回の訪問は、二人の男 互いを“Barack”“David,”と呼び合い本当に仲が良く見えた。 の間にくつろいだ空気がただよっていた。 実際、この訪問は話題性が殆ど無く、U.S. ESPNObamaがバスケットボールの試合を観戦したことは、レポートしているがCameronが同席していたことはレポートしなかった。By Jay Newton-Small | @JNSmall | March 14, 2012.   更なる詳細…


Only case and relevant issues are pleased to discuss, but political campaigners are not welcome, please move away from my case!

The story begun with Internet…I used to listening my music on YouTube and reading daily news on Google.  I didn’t have any problems with it until 2011. Since then, I got the music or song which was not I searched for when I was typing keywords to find my music. Meantime, daily news is also irrelevant with category I read.  Google search engine totally changed to weird flirting engine. I received lots of sexual contents and photo graphics on my search results.  I was so confused about that in beginning. Later on, I found out that someone who tried to chat with me by using Google searching results. I didn’t know what was going on. I have been trying to be away from Internet a little while. I cut my landline and Internet service and started using Smartphone (Galaxy Tab) instead. However, the problem has been never going to end.  During past months, I received lots of similar contents which someone wanted to flirt or have a secret date with me…… Unfortunately, I couldn’t stop cyber abusing and life stalking.  I suspected someone who may be hacking my personal details and current life.  These issues totally have been interrupted and disorganized my family’s peaceful daily life.

 Case One

 When I searched the text like “with ur fucking prince owner or us captain”, the result should be related with relevant ‘key word’ of page rank or ‘No results found’ if no relevant information was found. However the results showed totally irrelevant contents what user searched. (See Figure2

Figure 2 0002.jpg

 I have been done lots of researching since this terrible case happened to my life.  I tried to find out that person who had been stalking my life and invading my privacy. The conversation we had to the contents I received, which all the evidences referring to this suspicious person…

 Question One “Who is Prince Captain?” according with the contents I received from hacker. Is that Redhead Air Force Captain?  Why did he want to be a hacker?  Why did he want to talk to me and stalk on me?  After all, I decided researching more to work out what is happening…

 Question Two “What is the meaning of Captain EO?”  The researching result showed the name “Captain EO” from the Greek, the Greek goddess of dawn.  Is that Redhead Hacker’s family member from Greek?  I also found the news was relevant with ‘Captain EO’ which “Twilight” actor is up for the role of Redhead Captain in a future film about the highs and lows of his life Experiences. Is Redhead Captain a ghost hanging over my personal life?  …  Tomorrow is another day.  That is my wish. I hope that this ghost will disappear after dawn.

 Another day, another darkness day…  My Smartphone was hacked again.   

 The searching text was “who is ur wife are u still living in your fucking fairy – tale”, the results showed some sort of sexual contents, such as “you can use sweet text message expressing your to flirt about your love and admiration for someone while expressing your true feelings….”,“ I swear I can’nt live without her nd same is the case with her…. Now it’s ur turn… Call me Cheater, Stupid,… Legally if a complaint is filed by your wife you can be tried under sec… Still remember what you said to yr wife on yr wedding day?… ”. These searching results were irrelevant with the text what user searched.  The reason why these results were shown on my Smartphone (galaxy tab) as Google Inc hacked it, and this was part of conversation between me and Redhead Captain.  (See Figure3

Figure 3 0003.jpg

Furthermore evidences could prove the text was part of conversation between me and Redhead Captain.   “Redhead Captain and I have been chatting several times through Google Inc Searching Services after Google hacked to my Smartphone last year.  I mean – the text what I searched and the results replied.”  That was the way how we communicated with each other.  For example, when I asked him a question, such as ‘your girlfriend is pear tree?’ The contents and photo graphics were shown what his answers. (See Figure4)  He took this method to communicate and reply me.

Figure 4 0007.jpg

I told him to stop hacking to my Smartphone, don’t flirt with me! …. after I realized my personal life was being stalked by him.  Meanwhile, I said to him that who is ur wife are u still living in your fucking fairy – tale, he replied with the contents showed. (See Figure3) Did dandy Redhead Captain really get into these conversations?  Has he been influenced by this conversation? Maybe yes, maybe no…  Most recently rumors said that he is broody which his life is a far cry from the fairy-tale people imagines it to be.  And he can’t find someone that would be willing to take this role which being his official girlfriend.

 Yes, I turned down Royal Captain. I rejected all flirting from him, but I can’t stop him hacking and stalking my life.  I can’t stop him abusing my human right … I can’t run away from my darkness world.  I wonder when my sunrise time is coming; I need a little light to guide me…

 Another Rainy day, flirting messages, flirting again …   is that dandy royal’s daily duties?! The text searched was “enjoy your secret love with pippa”, the results shown were irrelevant to what user searched.  Google Inc searching engine crossed my searching text and changed to ‘your love like secret’ instead. (See Figure9)  In fact, that was part of conversation between me and Redhead Captain.

 I told him that I am not interested in him and I don’t want having any affairs in my private life. I don’t like his lifestyle.  I don’t want to meet him or have any connection with him.  I said to him that ‘thanks for ur offer. I think ur pear tree or model babies more needed than me. Just keep for them.’  He replied with contents and photo graphic showed in red box. (See Figure7)  I was also frustrated about his sexual assaulting messages.  I said that ‘ur best friend pregnant is ur baby fucking animal.’  He kept replying with sexual and violating contents and photo graphics during our communication.  (See Figure8

Figure 7 0004.jpg

Figure 8 0005.jpg

I wonder when Redhead Captain will leave me along?! I really need to get my peaceful life back.  After all, I suggested him to have a date with someone else instead. That was reason why I said that ‘enjoy your secret love with pippa’. He replied that ‘love like secret’. (See Figure9

Figure 9 2011-09-17_23.22.09.jpg

So far is redhead captain who had been dated or connected with model babies and pippa?  Some researching work would be given us answers.

I can’t let this evil ghost messing up my current life. I have to try hard to protect myself and my family.  I have to defend my family, my home, my life… I have to stand up and speak out … In fact, my life is being stalked by these evil people, and I never can get rid of them.

 Case  Two

My Smartphone (Galaxy Tab) had been receiving many sexual messages since 2011. Such as ‘No One Likes To Be Reject’ (Proven Dating Secrets For Men), ‘Overcome Shyness!!!’ (Loneliness Isn’t An Excuse Anymore!)  All these sexual assaulting messages were from Google OS Android software of Galaxy Tab. . . (See Figure5-6

Figure 5 2011-09-10 22.40.07.jpg

Figure 6 2011-09-29 22.54.17.jpg

Meanwhile, my Smartphone was never running out of progressively contents and photo graphics.  The text searched was “don’t worry I won’t leave japan until I claimed allmy bills” and the results were totally irrelevant to what user searched, which means the violating, threatening and sexual assaulting messages and photo graphics  instead of normal searching results. (See Figure21)

Figure 21 0006.JPG

Case Three

My poor researching computer, you can’t work ‘normal’ without evil eyes monitoring behind.  More, the evidences were shown that Redhead Captain is the one who related with Google Inc. and other trackers to hack and stalk my personal life. He has always wished to see me being divorced with my husband, which he has been keeping to harass and assault by these sexual and violating contents. (See Figure12

Figure 12 Telegraph 08082012.JPG

Furthermore evidences showed that our private life was hacked and we have been suffered plenty of sexual harassed and violated contents by evil ghost. (See Figure13-25

Figure 13 Telegraph 17082012.JPG

Figure 14 Evening standard 28052012.JPG

Figure 15 Dailymail 29052012.JPG

Figure 16 Mirror 01072012.JPG

Figure 17 CLD 04082012.JPG

Figure 18 Evening standard 18062012.JPG

Figure 19 Independent 27052012.JPG

Figure 20 Independent 19062012.JPG

Figure 21 CLD 03072012.JPG

Figure 22 CLD 04072012.JPG

Figure 23 Telegraph 19062012.JPG

Figure 24 Telegraph 04062012.JPG

I realized that UK Media and Google Incl. have been cooperating so well …  James Bond and Bond Girls, Diamond Jubilee and Bacon Light, all these dramas are hanging over my current life.  My private life is much crowd with these unwelcome strangers.  Anybody can tell me what is going on?  I wonder where my human right is.  And where OUR LAW is?  

Figure 25 Telegraph 05062012.JPG

Case Four

 This is latest conversation between me and Redhead Captain.  He hacked to my PC, and the method of chatting just like before which had been happened on my Smartphone (Galaxy Tab) since last year. I asked him that are you live in your fairytale, redhead… the searching content was his replies… (See Figure26-27)

Figure 26 Google Web 13082012 .JPG

Figure 27 Google Web 13082012.JPG

Redhead Captain has been secretly traveled to Japan several times during this case happened.  I saw him once at late evening outside my house in February. Most times he drove his helicopter in Japan for stalking my daily activities.  His mission was very secret and safe because of highly security systems by nations whom involved this conspiracy.

 I wonder how does he hack and stalk to my current life.  How does he track down my daily life…?  The researching results will make us shocking and realizing that we live in environment that it is insecure. The researching results showed as following;

Privacy Alert – The CIA Wants To Spy On You Through Your TV (Thanks, Caro)

 Posted on June 11, 2012 by Gillian  Natural News | March 25 2012

 Anytime you download a movie from Netflix to syour television or turn on an Internet-based radio, you could be alerting people who you don’t want or need watching you.

 According to the Central Intelligence Agency, the organization says spies won’t have to plant bugs in homes, businesses or other places where they want to spy because of coming advances in computer and Internet technology. Specifically, CIA Director David Petraeus, one-time commander of the Iraq and Afghanistan war theaters, says new apps and the rise of “connected” devices means people, essentially, will be bugging their own homes.

 The CIA says it is very possible the agency and others will be able to “read” these and other gadgets from outside the places they want to monitor via the Internet and perhaps even with radio waves outside your home.

 Nowadays, everything can be controlled by an app – your home security system, a clock radio, remote controls, the lighting in your kitchen. And, according to Wired magazine’s online “Danger Zone” blog, it’s going to get better – or worse, depending on your point of view. Computer-chip maker ARM recently unveiled low-powered, cheaper chips which can and will be used in virtually everything, including refrigerators, doorbells and ovens.


 The resulting flood of app-controlled devices will be able to be easily read and even manipulated and controlled, Petraeus said, adding that the technology will allow agents to spy without having to plant bugs, breaking or entering or engaging in other risky (or illegal?) behavior. Spies, instead, will simply monitor activity through existing apps in use by the subject. 

  • Transformational is an overused word, but I do believe it properly applies to these technologies,” Petraeus said in comments made to a venture capital firm looking at new technologies that could transform previously dumb appliances into an interconnected “Internet of things.” 
  • “Particularly to their effect on clandestine tradecraft. Items of interest will be located, identified, monitored, and remotely controlled through technologies such as radio-frequency identification, sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy harvesters – all connected to the next-generation internet using abundant, low-cost, and high-power computing,” he said, “the latter now going to cloud computing, in many areas greater and greater supercomputing, and, ultimately, heading to quantum computing.”

 He acknowledged that these devices and the technology to use them to spy “change our notions of secrecy” and triggers a rethink of “our notions of identity and secrecy.”

 ‘Mapping’ our lives?

 Those like Petraeus who are looking at the future say they believe someday such devices will be able to tell what modes of operation they are in at all times, and that they will be able to be mapped as efficiently as Google Maps charts the world right now. All of the devices that could be made into these so-called smart gadgets would become a wealth of information to spies if you are a “person of interest” – or not, critics contend. The advent of so-called smart homes would mean occupants would be continually sending out specific, geolocated information that spies can intercept in real time.

 As you might expect, though, such technology has already alarmed privacy advocates. Already groups such as the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) have filed suit against the CIA and other government agencies for allegedly using social media networks to spy on people.

 “Social-networking sites are becoming a part of the way we communicate every day and everyone thinks they are sharing information [on the sites] with just their friends,” Shane Witnov, a law student who worked on the case in 2009 on behalf of the EFF by the Samuelson Law, Technology, and Public Policy Clinic at the University of California Berkeley School of Law. “Governments are using the sites but not in the way [citizens] expect when they sign up.”

 Good grief, finally all researching results showed and all the evidences I have which linked to Redhead Captain –   Some kind of Prince .  May I call police to catch him or at least start an investigation?  The answer is NO.  Why?!   Power, Malversation, Cheating, Massive Cover–Up…  Look at experiences in the past which person has been suffered. A formal teacher had been unfairly dismissed from school after she claims her student cheated!

Is this great scandal or conspiracy so far?! I don’t have any clue.  These entire invisible manipulation make you despair of current government. Have we already forgotten Watergate’s lessons?  Maybe not all of us, at least someone who went through this scandal still remember it.

Is America heeding Watergate’s lessons, 40 years on?

By Michael Mathes and Emmanuel Parisse | AFP – 20 hrs ago 17/06/2012

Four decades after Watergate, experts and protagonists in the 20th century’s worst US political scandal worry that its lessons are melting away, amid deepening Washington dysfunction and a return of sweeping presidential power.  Sunday marks exactly 40 years since a handful of third-rate burglars were arrested at the tony Washington building as they broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters.

What followed was a series of revelations about hush money, espionage, secret recordings and an elaborate cover-up that shocked the world — a scandal so explosive it reached the highest echelons of power and ultimately brought down president Richard Nixon, who resigned in disgrace in August 1974.

Much of what we know about Watergate first came to light through the gumshoe reporting of The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, whose work became the user’s manual for investigative reporting.  But a man who had a profound effect on the aftermath of Watergate said students of history should focus directly on the occupant of the White House at the time, and his terrifying abuse of executive authority.  “It is not a journalism story. It’s all about Richard Nixon,” historian, author and retired professor Stanley Kutler told AFP.  It was Kutler’s successful 1990s lawsuit against Nixon and the National Archives that forced the release of the long-suppressed tapes from the recording system that the president had ordered installed in the White House.

The recordings, he said, show a paranoid and vengeful president who spent an inordinate amount of time ordering underlings to dig up dirt on his opponents.  “Nixon had enemies, imagined and real,” many of whom had emerged in the heat of a divisive Vietnam war when Washington was overrun with thousands of protesters, Kutler said.  “From Vietnam, we didn’t learn the lesson that there are limits to American power.” And Watergate showed Americans “the limits of presidential power,” he said.

“Take those two events, Vietnam and Watergate, and you get a new country after that.”  Woodward and Bernstein last Sunday were quick to point to the “enormous” crimes committed by Nixon and the various “wars” he launched — against the anti-war movement, the press, Democrats who threatened to rob him of a second term, and the Watergate cover-up and obstruction of justice.  “Really what we found is that his White House became, to a remarkable extent, a criminal enterprise such as we’ve never had in our history,” Bernstein told CBS.

Americans have always had a healthy distrust of government. It’s part of the country’s makeup, said Steve Billet, who directs the Masters in Legislative Affairs program at George Washington University.  But as Watergate unfolded, “the government turned into the enemy,” Billet said. “It became the fulfillment of a prophecy that government might endanger our liberties, and it did.”  As Americans remained suspicious of the potential for malfeasance and abuse in the White House, that dire assessment undermined confidence in the government and the president, and that persists to this day, Billet and others say.

Kutler said he believes Watergate “had a lot to do with superheating our political climate,” in which partisanship is the order of the day on Capitol Hill.  “Everything is done in the context of politics today,” he said. “This is the way our minds are working now.”  The investigation of Watergate and its vast cover-up ultimately sent 40 Nixon aides and others to jail.  Among them was John Dean, who was counsel to Nixon at the time of the Watergate break-in and eventually cooperated with the probe.

He now warns of a return to excessive executive power, particularly in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks.  “Watergate’s warning has steadily lost its power over the years, particularly given fear of terrorism during the past decade,” Dean wrote this week in The New York Times.  “That fear has been used to justify levels of presidential power that Nixon could have only dreamed possible.”

Dean cites a long list of presidential excesses: Ronald Reagan’s abuses during the Iran-Contra episode; Bill Clinton’s deceit during the Monica Lewinsky affair; George W. Bush’s commitment to war in Iraq based on “fake intelligence;” and President Barack Obama’s continued detention of US citizens who are deemed terror threats.

And with abuse inevitably inviting scandal, it may be just a matter of time before a new bombshell like the one 40 years ago.  “I can certainly imagine another Watergate,” said author Thomas Mallon, whose book “Watergate: A Novel” came out in February.  With information the most valued currency in politics, the next great scandal “would certainly involve something like hacking,” Mallon said.

“People have learned to be more cautious,” he said, but “at some point in American history, there will be some scandal that eclipses Watergate.”

At moment, my family was going to sue these hackers, however we are not sure how far we can go and how fair the judge will treat our case…  We really need public attention and support, remember your voices and advices can help us beating evils.  So please help and support this case.

We Need To Stand Up!

Public Voices can make powerful criminal hand off hopeless victim! 

We need your voices!  We need your support!


  1. Prince Harry Promoted, Now Captain in Brit Army 

Prince Harry Promoted, Now Captain in Brit Army, St. James Palace has announced that Prince Harry, after five years of service in the British army, has been promoted to the rank of captain… By Christine Fenno  Posted Apr 17th 2011 08:13AM. More details… 


  1. Prince Harry: Why I’m Still Single 

“In an interview with CBS News about his recent tour through the Caribbean and South America (during which he feted Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee), Harry said his life is a far cry from the fairy-tale people imagine it to be.” 

“The job that [being a royal] entails — I mean, look at me. I’m 27 years old,” Harry told CBS. “And not so much searching for someone to fulfill the role, but obviously, you know, finding someone that would be willing to take it on.”…Celebrity News By Beth Anne Macaluso March 14, 2012 AT 5:16PM. More details…  



Prince Harry has admitted to wanting children, he just needs to find the right partner, in a revealing new interview.  When asked whether he wants to continue the family name, Prince Harry said: “I’ve longed for kids since I was very, very young.  And so I’m just—I’m waiting to find the right person, someone who’s willing to take on the job.”… – By Emily Fox for express.co.uk Wednesday May 30, 2012. More Details…  



The third-in-line to the throne spoke of his desire to be a dad in an interview marking         his grandmother’s Diamond Jubilee.  Harry, 27, has made no secret of the fact he shares his late mothers love of young people. But this is the first time the young Royal – who recently admitted he found it hard to find love – has confessed to feeling broody. Harry also hinted that he would like a partner to be by his side as he completes his royal duties… – By Duncan Lacombe Royal Editor for The Sun 31st May 2012. More details… 


  1. Prince Harry breaks off romance with underwear model girlfriend after just two months 

Prince Harry has ended his short romance with his latest sweetheart, underwear model Florence Brudenell-Bruce.  The split comes just two months after the pair got together and sources have revealed that the prince just doesn’t want to be ‘tied down’… By Richard Hartley-parkinson Updated: 16 August 201, at16:48 GMT. More details… 


  1. Are Prince Harry and Pippa Middleton Close to Becoming a Couple? 

It has been reported that Prince Harry and Pippa Middleton are on the verge of becoming a couple. Grazia UK (via the Daily Mail) is reporting that Harry and Middleton have met a few times since the Royal Wedding in April and already have nicknames for each other. 

Middleton reportedly calls Harry ‘Captain,’ which is his rank in the British army and Harry calls her ‘Commando,’ a reference to the rumors that Middleton was not wearing any underwear at the Royal Wedding…By Christo Varghese  Posted Jun 22nd 2011 05:00AM. More details… 


  1. Schoolteacher Claims Prince Harry Cheated 

A former teacher of Prince Harry claims to have been unfairly dismissed from EtonCollege last year after she was ordered to help the royal cheat on an exam. And she says a secretly recorded tape proves her allegations to be true.  A spokesman for Harry’s father, Prince Charles, questions and criticizes the credibility of the tape, the Associated Press and Reuters report… By Stephen M. Silverman Friday October 15, 2004 09:00 AM EDT.

More details…  


  1. Diamond Jubilee Celebration 

Members of the Royal Family, governors-general, and prime ministers from the Commonwealth realms attended various events on 4 and 5 June: A reception was held at Buckingham Palace before the Diamond Jubilee Concert and a service of thanksgiving took place the following day at St. Paul’s Cathedral…  The lighting of thousands of beacons across the Commonwealth took place on 4 June. The number of beacons was originally set at 2,012; by the closing date for registrations, approximately 4,000 had been submitted in the United Kingdom alone… 


  1. Kate Middleton Unites The Royals To Find A Wife For Prince Harry 

Kate Middleton needs to get knocked up soon because apparently she has too much time on her hands and has taken it upon herself to help Harry settle down into domestic bliss like her and Prince William. But it gets more embarrassing than that because now she’s enlisted the help of her female cousins-in-law, Zara Phillips andPrincess BeatriceBY Jeanne Adams on August 16, 2012.  More details… 


  1. Prince Harry – A Facebook FAN! 

A source is quoted by Britain’s Daily Star newspaper as saying: “Harry is addicted to the silly games on it.  “He can go for hours without food or toilet breaks while he holds virtual food fights with his mates He ‘bites’ them and writes graffiti on their walls.
“He also hurls assorted virtual farmyard animals at them.” … BY Annemarie Fraser on July 4, 2007.  More details…


  1. Queen in spoof Bond film for Olympics opening ceremony

THE QUEEN became a Bond Girl last night — making her acting debut opposite 007 Daniel Craig in a stunning surprise spoof at London 2012’s Opening Ceremony… The brilliant ruse was last night hailed as one of the most daring and innovative ever seen. And visionary Slumdog Millionaire director Boyle — creator of the ceremony — was being asked how on earth his cheeky Bond stunt was given royal approval in Diamond Jubilee Year… By NICK PARKER in the Olympic Stadium   Published: 28th July 2012. More details…


  1. In the Air: Google boss quits Telegraph board

Google’s UK boss Dan Cobley has unexpectedly quit the board of Telegraph Media Group, months after he joined in January, a filing to Companies House shows.  Cobley’s decision to become a Telegraph non-executive director was surprising given the wider newspaper industry’s uneasy relationship with the internet giant. Google has been criticised by some UK papers in recent months over issues such as privacy, copyright and tax avoidance, so it is thought that Cobley felt it was wise to let go of his Telegraph role… on 25 July 2012. More details…



 While, I also have a surprise finding results during my researching time.  IS THIS RELATED TO MY RACE? I DON’T HAVE ANY CLUE SO FAR. This may be another reason to explain what has been really going on …   The news as bellows;

  Saturday, February 25, 2012

 Prince Harry To Become Next King  

William, Duke Of Cambridge, is playing it safe, marrying a media-compatible bride, joining the RAF and doing and saying nothing which might rock the One World Government boat, of which he is now a part, whether he likes it or not.

William is the illegitimate grandson of Sir James Goldsmith, Diana’s real father, and a French-descent Rothschild. Queen Victoria was the daughter of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, making both the current Queen, and Prince Philip, both being her descendants, illegitimate Rothschilds.

Harry is the son of Diana, and James Hewitt, who he strongly resembles. He has less loyalty to the Royal/Rothschild connections than William, as a result.

Diana like her real father, James Goldsmith, stood up to the power of the One World Government, and both paid the price, losing their lives. Sir James set up the Referendum Party to stop the Euro, which he did successfully, but he contracted cancer as many OWG opponents do, in repayment.

Diana set out her stall to be a Queen Of Hearts, crossing important divide and rule OWG lines between Christians and Moslems, challenging the power of the military industrial complex, and talking the language of peace, when the Bushes and their insane megalomaniac secret societies were on the point of launching their infamous War On Terror.

You have to hand it to Harry. He cannot be unaware of what happened to his mother, and why. Yet he has the have guts to go campaigning against the landmines that she knew to be so wrong, and put his neck on the line. If the insane elites that think they can crash the world into a third world war, and get everyone at each others’ throats, have their way, Harry could be in grave danger.

But with the central bankers’ plans to bring about a worldwide financial collapse and engineer a political takeover of the democratic world, heading for the rocks, Harry will be recognised for what he is. He, unlike William, is prepared to engage in the risks on behalf of what is right. He looks more and more like his mother on his latest tour – Belize where he’s charming ordinary people, the true inheritor of her mantle.

 Wasp in this blogpost explains how Prince Harry is now recognised as a person sympathetic to ending the rule of the Rothschilds. As the world of central banking goes critical worldwide, he will be invited to take over the reigns of royalty by the White Hats, as they turn around the situation.

Wasp writes

Prince Harry has been in touch with the group and has agreed to take over control of the British Royal family from Queen Elizabeth. There are signs, such as the resignation of over a dozen senior bankers and the announcement of a $15 trillion fraud in the UK and a $6 trillion fraud in Italy, that these warnings have been taken seriously.

The Italian case is especially noticeable because one of the people arrested was former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconni. In addition a meeting is scheduled this week between a White Dragon Society representative and a representatives of the dragon family in mainland Asia to discuss the creation of a meritocratically staffed economic planning agency.

It can also now be disclosed that Ireland, Portugal, Greece and Spain have all told the banks they are not going to pay back any of their loans because the loans were made illegally. This is one of the reasons why Moody’s downgraded 114 financial institutions including Citibank, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Deutschebank etc. These are the institutions that own the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Board is going to be shut down soon, according to Pentagon sources.

TAP – It all sounds great, but when will it all happen? The speed of worldwide central banking resignations suggests that it will all be happening sooner rather than later. When the Saxe Coburg Gothas are exposed as bloodline Illuminati, connected to too many crimes to be excusable, Prince Charles to the fore, Charles’ Crown will pass not to William as people once thought, but to Harry.  (Posted by Tapestry at 2:44 PM terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012)


1.     China‘s Premier promises steps to boost UK trade  

China‘s Premier Wen Jiabao has pledged to take measures to increase trade between Britain and China. Up to £1bn worth of business deals are expected to be announced during Mr Wen’s three-day UK tour.  Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt said China offered “huge opportunities” adding that it was important to have a full dialogue with China.   

Mr Hunt, who earlier accompanied the life-long Shakespeare admirer Mr Wen to Stratford-Upon-Avon, said: “We want to have a broad-based relationship with China which encompasses political, economic and social dialogue… 26 June 2011 Last updated at 18:46 GMT.  More details…  


2.     DAVID Cameron is holding talks with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in a bid to sign trade deals worth up to £1billion.  

In Stratford-upon-Avon he met Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt, Mr Hunt’s Chinese wife Lucia, and son Jack. 

DAVID Cameron is holding talks with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in a bid to sign trade deals worth up to £1billion.  The two leaders are hoping to boost business links between their two countries at a Downing Street summit today… Published: 27th June 2011.  More details… 


3.     China Premier Wen Jiabao vows to help on eurozone debt  

China has promised to help resolve the eurozone’s debt crisis, after talks with EU leaders in Beijing. Premier Wen Jiabao offered co-operation to help stabilise debt-ridden EU nations, but made no specific promise to invest in a European bailout fund. EU leaders have been seeking Chinese money to help bolster a planned fund of about 500bn euros ($665bn; £420bn).  Mr Wen said China was willing to “increase its involvement” in attempts to stabilise the eurozone… 14 February 2012 Last updated at 11:40 GMT. More details…  


4.     China: We’ll spend billions to prop up the stricken euro 

China has vowed to increase its support of the eurozone after pledging to spend billions of pounds propping up the single currency.  Premier Wen Jiabao said it will keep buying government bonds – the debts of stricken European nations.  In a boost for Greece ahead of a pivotal vote on greater austerity cuts tomorrow, Mr Wen said Europe could count on his ‘unremitting’ support… By Simon Duke Updated: 06:58 GMT, 27 June 2011.  More details… 


5.     It’s all talk and no action’: David Cameron’s Big Society plans blasted after 7,000 charities were forced to close last year

David Cameron’s plans for a Big Society were branded ‘hot air’ today after it emerged more than 7,000 charities had been forced to close last year.  The Prime Minister’s mantra aims to encourage good causes to take on services normally provided by councils and central government… By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 08:02 GMT, 17 August 2012. More details…


6.     Obama’s Love Fest with David Cameron  

Washington rolled out the red carpet for David Cameron this week.  President Obama feted the British Prime Minister with a 19-gun salute, a White House banquet, a joint press conference in the Rose Garden and a trip to Ohio on Air Force One for an NCAA March madness basketball game (at which Cameron looked mostly confused as Obama explained the rules)  

The visit, in contrast to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s tense reception last week, has been marked by the casual air between two men– “Barack” and “David,” they call each other–who seem to genuinely get along.  In fact, the trip has been so drama-free, it’s hardly made news in the U.S. ESPN reported that Obama attended the basketball game, but declined to mention Cameron’s presence… By Jay Newton-Small | @JNSmall | March 14, 2012.  More details…  
